In Latvia, entrepreneurs from Vidzeme region participated in the training. These entrepreneurs produce goat milk processing products, offer tourism services and grow shiitake mushrooms etc.
During the training session, entrepreneurs were introduced with details of whole training programme, but particularly deeper with two modules from eight. After lectures, practical works and discussions, they had possibility to visit two companies – farm of shiitake mushrooms and goat farm.
Entrepreneurs said that their understanding of green entrepreneurship became clearer during the first training day. They acknowledge that “they have become completely green” – production is green, processing is green, information to clients is green and also the wellbeing or lifestyle is green”. They experienced inspiration for new ideas for their business – how to become greener.
Respondent stated that training material can become richer if added cases of real experience, development story of successful green entrepreneurs. But otherwise they are happy with textual material for trainees.
Some of participants used the opportunity to establish contact and approached lecturers with specific questions related to their business.
Entrepreneurs would also recommend the NatureBizz training programme to the other persons in the same businesses and they suggested that this training material and sessions could be provided to Latvian Agricultural Consultancy centre (LLKC in Latvian) for biological farmers, but then courses should be 160 hours long.
In Latvia, there are not many similar courses in the market, therefore this training is very important and deserves to be delivered to wider public.
Ilze Grinfelde, Maira Lescevica & Laura Fisere ViA, Latvia 2.4.2020