What is going on?
We provide news to communicate with our stakeholders. Additionally to these news, we are active in the social media and send newsletters in local languages. Everything we publish in this project are saved on these webpages.
Hankkeen tulosten hyödyntäminen (FIN)
Hankkeen osaamistarvekartoitukset ja koulutuskokonaisuus moduulikuvauksineen sekä materiaaleineen ovat kaikkien kiinnostuneiden toimijoiden hyödynnettävissä ja löytyvät näiltä verkkosivuilta. Materiaalista hyötyvät esimerkiksi alan mikroyrittäjät sekä alkavien ja jo toimivien alan mikroyritysten kanssa työskentelevät…
Tre filmer om grönt Mikroföretagande (Three films about green microbusiness)
The Swedish partner, Södertörn Högskola, provided three films about green microbusiness in Swedish. We hope these will provide value to you! LILLA BJERS, intervju med Elin Hoas 27/11-2019. Om grönt,…
Enjoy the results of the project!
The idea of NatureBizz was to support green micro-entrepreneurs with a business training programme. As a result, a training programme with eight different modules was created and implemented in four…
The new NatureBizz handbook is published
The NatureBizz handbook covers results of our project and is available for all who are interested in developing green micro-business. In this project, we first aligned the needed skills to…
Feedback from Latvia: “This deserves to be delivered to wider public.”
In Latvia, entrepreneurs from Vidzeme region participated in the training. These entrepreneurs produce goat milk processing products, offer tourism services and grow shiitake mushrooms etc. During the training session, entrepreneurs…
Feedback from Estonia: “Your trainings are always so inspiring!”
University of Tartu Pärnu College piloted NatureBizz training program with 3 seminar days covering 6 modules from 8. It has been an interesting 3 months. Some of the participants were…
Feedback from Finland: The training fulfilled the expectations
SAMK piloted the NatureBizz training programme with 12 students from Livia College studying in the field of Nature and Environment. Some participants had a business idea, some were already running…
Pilot trainings were a success
During January – March 2020 the training programme was piloted in Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia. Due to the coronavirus epidemic some of the training days were cancelled. In Finland,…
Recorded presentations from Estonia available
There was a seminar, inspiratsiooniseminar, on 6th December 2019 in Estonia with three interesting presentations. These presentations provide inspiration for the participants in the Nature Bizz training programme, and specially…
The training programme is published
We have now provided the Training Programme for Green Micro Entrepreneurs. This publication includes the purpose and content of the programme, and how the programme is delivered. The piloting of…